Hi, it's me Jaide

I'm 33 year old single mum of 3 beautiful boys - Madden (13), Harper (11) and Raiden (3). So for context, my family unit just went from a 2x income household to a 1x income household after my husband and I separated. I'm a Domestic Violence Specialist Caseworker that works 30 hours a week at a Woman's refuge for women and children. For me personally I need a second income, for survival and to be able to provide for myself and my kids. I absolutely love my job, I've been in my role for 7 years now - but being a crisis worker requires me to be on call (available and taking crisis calls 24/7) for a week at a time. During the week I live in "hypervigilance" which can be a bit of a struggle and mentally and emotionally draining at the best of times, let alone being a single parent on top of that. Ideally the end goal is to be able to create an automatic, passive income online to replace my 30+ hour a week job- enabling me to be more present for my children, less stressed and to stop living week to week!

I done most of my primary school at the Sunshine Coast in QLD (Australia) and I'd say that we we're middle class.. We had the big house with a pool, a boat in the garage and our weekends consisted of being around the water whether it be at the beach or the canal with fishing, swimming and living our best lives in the sun. For me I believe that's where my love for the beach stems from, it is mine (and the kids) happy place! My Dad has always been very entrepreneurial, so that's been role modeled to me.

Throughout my affilate marketing journey I plan on being open and transparent. I've tried (and failed) at ecommerce *drop shipping business model that just didn't work. I came across an online course that promised to teach me how to build an online business without all the fluff and BS (and technology is NOT my strong point, so literally if I can do it anyone can!). The course outlined everything I am looking for - a ticket to financial freedom and the potential to work where I want (all whilst making memories with the kids!). I'm already daydreaming about how our lives are going to be changed with this amazing oppertunity..

I knew I needed an income that I didn't trade my time for

I am intrigued and also a bit scared to be honest. Questions and doubts do sometimes get the better of me "What if I fail?!" ..."I feel super awkward being in front of a camera... Will I be able to do this without any social media following or online experience?" "What will my friends and family think of me?'..

But all it took is one look at the boys faces to know that I NEED to make this work, we deserve the absolute best and this will be life changing for my family. I'm so very excited to see where affiliate marketing and this automated online business takes me! I plan on sharing the highs, lows, the struggles and the good times on my socials So feel free to follow my Instagram or Tiktok to watch the journey to see if its something you'd like for yourself or family too! With the right mindset, education and tools anything is possible! Invest in yourself, your future self will thank you for it!